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      Oliver Hudson Surveying

      Residential property surveys across Hull, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire

      Christmas came early for me this year, having been invited to play in the opening number at a gig at The New Adelphi Club in Hull last week, a hell of a Christmas gift after starting harmonica lessons only 18 months ago.Such a cool venue and great to explore backstage and warm up in the green rooms. We got a wonderful welcome from the Adelphi team and it was an honour to meet Paul Jackson, owner and founder of this unique independent underground music venue that has hosted some incredible artists over its 40-year history, including Oasis, Green Day, Kaiser Chiefs, Radiohead, The Stone Roses, Supergrass and Travis, to name only a few.I played harmonica in Dr. Feelgood’s “Down at the Doctors”, alongside Ukulele Bill AKA ‘The Ukulele One’ on uke and vocals (Adelphi regular), Rob from Somerset on guitar, Kieran (Adelphi regular) on bass, and Karl (Adelphi barman) on Djembe drum, who had to leg it back to the bar as soon as we’d finished. Jim, Adelphi’s sound engineer of 39 years no less, somehow pulled it all together as we’d never met or rehearsed and ran out of time for a sound check.I give myself about a 4/10 - nerves got the better of me, not so great for spontaneous improvisation and good breathing – but all good experience. My teacher has already torn it to shreds! Another 5,000 hours of practice and hopefully I’ll be ready to play blues alongside the likes of the late great Muddy Waters.Here’s a clip if you fancy a listen… The theme of the evening was the humble Ukulele, and there were some outstanding covers played by Hull Ukulele Group, including The Beautiful South’s “Don’t Marry Her”.So grateful to Ukulele Bill and Adelphi for my first (paid for!) gig - an honour and a privilege - and to Karl for keeping me well watered with Guinness! ... See MoreSee Less
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      Well, the good news is that the properties I've surveyed over the last couple of weeks haven't had many defects, which is good for my buyer clients and good for me! Various East Yorks/North Lincs locations including Cottingham, Driffield, Barton, Beverley, and Walkington.I seem to be doing battle with a lot of cobwebs in lofts at the moment - I dread to think how many spiders I take home with me. Beware of allowing large coniferous trees like this cedar to keep growing, which is far too big to be growing near buildings and just creates an unnecessary risk of damage to the house's foundations. If you have a shower trap with a removable cover, be sure to clear and clean it every month or two (unless you're bald in which case low risk of hair blockage!) to maintain drainage speed and prevent back-up.If you live in a semi-detached or terraced property, check to see if there are any gaps in the party walls to the neighbour's lofts. Originally, there were often no party walls running along the boundary lines between houses, but that does present both a fire and security risk, security for obvious reasons, and fire because it greatly increases the risk of fire spread between the properties, in the event of a fire in the neighbouring property spreading to this property, and vice versa. Large holes like this should be bricked/blocked-up, any gaps should be filled tightly with glass fibre insulation, and if there are any holes too small to be filled tightly with insulation, these should be cement pointed, all to aid fire-stopping in order to prevent fire spread between the properties.Rainbow - brightened up my day!Three different types of damp proof course in an 1890 solid brick wall. The original bitumen DPC failed, so a chemical-injected DPC was installed, which didn't work, so a modern PVC DPC was installed, which is certainly helping, but nobody thought to simply lower the outside ground level to prevent rainwater splashing the brickwork above the DPC to minimise the risk of rising damp.Surveying is a bit like detective works sometimes, finding defects and then following the trail to diagnose the cause. Sometimes the defects are hard to find, but I think we can all agree that this wall is wet. Diagnosing the cause of this particular damp though, interestingly, was not straightforward!And finally, a beautiful wasp nest tucked into the eaves where the wasps and safe and warm with a simple entrance/exit via the roof eaves. Fortunately for me, at this cold time of year, its inhabitants were long gone.There might be a non-surveying musically-themed post to follow before Christmas but, in the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, #surveyorn#surveyorsu#surveyings#hullo#kingstonuponhullv#eastyorkshirei#northlincolnshirestyorkshire #northlincolnshire ... See MoreSee Less
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      Right, who's up for a one-off, unique, never to be repeated evening of non-festive music to set you up for Christmas?Hull’s very own ‘The Ukulele One’ AKA ‘T.U.O.’ (formerly known as ‘Ukulele Bill’) is celebrating his approximately 500th gig by putting on a great night of entertainment – an eclectic mix of rock, folk, blues and classical – lots of guitar action, not to mention Bill’s ukulele (I hadn’t realised how many famous musicians as well as celebs are/were ukulele players?!).Most importantly, it’s taking place at Hull’s infamous The New Adelphi Club which over its 40-year history has hosted the likes of Oasis, The Stone Roses, Radiohead, Supergrass, Green Day, Travis, Pulp, Fat Boy Slim, Manic Street Preachers, The Shamen, Inspiral Carpets, Happy Mondays, and of course both The Housemartins and Beautiful South.Least importantly, Bill has invited me to pay homage to a late great musician by playing harmonica in a cover so, if nothing else, come to have a good laugh at me!- Thursday 19th December 2024- The New Adelphi Club, Hull- 7.00pm- Tickets £4.99 on the door(or message me to put your ticket(s) aside)Hope to see you there…Oli the Lips (joke!) ... See MoreSee Less
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      Oliver Hudson Surveying

      1 month 2 weeks ago

      Christmas came early for me this year, having been invited to play in the opening number at a gig at The New Adelphi Club in Hull last week, a hell of a Christmas gift after starting harmonica lessons only 18 months ago. Such a cool venue and great to explore backstage and warm up in the green rooms. We got a wonderful welcome from the Adelphi team and it was an honour to meet Paul Jackson, owner and founder of this unique independent underground music venue that has hosted some incredible artists over its 40-year history, including Oasis, Green Day, Kaiser Chiefs, Radiohead, The Stone Roses, Supergrass and Travis, to name only a few. I played harmonica in Dr. Feelgood’s “Down at the Doctors”, alongside Ukulele Bill AKA ‘The Ukulele One’ on uke and vocals (Adelphi regular), Rob from Somerset on guitar, Kieran (Adelphi regular) on bass, and Karl (Adelphi barman) on Djembe drum, who had to leg it back to the bar as soon as we’d finished. Jim, Adelphi’s sound engineer of 39 years no less, somehow pulled it all together as we’d never met or rehearsed and ran out of time for a sound check. I give myself

      Oliver Hudson Surveying

      1 month 2 weeks ago

      Well, the good news is that the properties I've surveyed over the last couple of weeks haven't had many defects, which is good for my buyer clients and good for me! Various East Yorks/North Lincs locations including Cottingham, Driffield, Barton, Beverley, and Walkington. I seem to be doing battle with a lot of cobwebs in lofts at the moment - I dread to think how many spiders I take home with me. Beware of allowing large coniferous trees like this cedar to keep growing, which is far too big to be growing near buildings and just creates an unnecessary risk of damage to the house's foundations. If you have a shower trap with a removable cover, be sure to clear and clean it every month or two (unless you're bald in which case low risk of hair blockage!) to maintain drainage speed and prevent back-up. If you live in a semi-detached or terraced property, check to see if there are any gaps in the party walls to the neighbour's lofts. Originally, there were often no party walls running along the boundary lines between houses, but that does present both a fire and security risk, security for obvious reasons, and fire

      Oliver Hudson Surveying

      1 month 4 weeks ago

      Right, who's up for a one-off, unique, never to be repeated evening of non-festive music to set you up for Christmas? Hull’s very own ‘The Ukulele One’ AKA ‘T.U.O.’ (formerly known as ‘Ukulele Bill’) is celebrating his approximately 500th gig by putting on a great night of entertainment – an eclectic mix of rock, folk, blues and classical – lots of guitar action, not to mention Bill’s ukulele (I hadn’t realised how many famous musicians as well as celebs are/were ukulele players?!). Most importantly, it’s taking place at Hull’s infamous The New Adelphi Club which over its 40-year history has hosted the likes of Oasis, The Stone Roses, Radiohead, Supergrass, Green Day, Travis, Pulp, Fat Boy Slim, Manic Street Preachers, The Shamen, Inspiral Carpets, Happy Mondays, and of course both The Housemartins and Beautiful South. Least importantly, Bill has invited me to pay homage to a late great musician by playing harmonica in a cover so, if nothing else, come to have a good laugh at me! - Thursday 19th December 2024 - The New Adelphi Club, Hull - 7.00pm - Tickets £4.99 on the door (or message me to put your ticket(s) aside) Hope to see you there… Oli

      Christmas came early for me this year, having been invited to play in the opening number at a gig at The New Adelphi Club in Hull last week, a hell of a Christmas gift after starting harmonica lessons only 18 months ago. Such a cool venue and great to explore backstage and warm up in the green rooms. We got a wonderful welcome from the Adelphi team and it was an honour to meet Paul Jackson, owner and founder of this unique independent underground music venue that has hosted some incredible artists over its 40-year history, including Oasis, Green Day, Kaiser Chiefs, Radiohead, The Stone Roses, Supergrass and Travis, to name only a few. I played harmonica in Dr. Feelgood’s “Down at the Doctors”, alongside Ukulele Bill AKA ‘The Ukulele One’ on uke and vocals (Adelphi regular), Rob from Somerset on guitar, Kieran (Adelphi regular) on bass, and Karl (Adelphi barman) on Djembe drum, who had to leg it back to the bar as soon as we’d finished. Jim, Adelphi’s sound engineer of 39 years no less, somehow pulled it all together as we’d never met or rehearsed and ran out of time for a sound check. I give myself about a 4/10 - nerves got the better of me, not so great for spontaneous improvisation and good breathing – but all good experience. My teacher has already torn it to shreds! Another 5,000 hours of practice and hopefully I’ll be ready to play blues alongside the likes of the late great Muddy Waters. Here’s a clip if you fancy a listen… The theme of the evening was the humble Ukulele, and there were some outstanding covers played by Hull Ukulele Group, including The Beautiful South’s “Don’t Marry Her”. So grateful to Ukulele Bill and Adelphi for my first (paid for!) gig - an honour and a privilege - and to Karl for keeping me well watered with Guinness!

      Well, the good news is that the properties I've surveyed over the last couple of weeks haven't had many defects, which is good for my buyer clients and good for me! Various East Yorks/North Lincs locations including Cottingham, Driffield, Barton, Beverley, and Walkington. I seem to be doing battle with a lot of cobwebs in lofts at the moment - I dread to think how many spiders I take home with me. Beware of allowing large coniferous trees like this cedar to keep growing, which is far too big to be growing near buildings and just creates an unnecessary risk of damage to the house's foundations. If you have a shower trap with a removable cover, be sure to clear and clean it every month or two (unless you're bald in which case low risk of hair blockage!) to maintain drainage speed and prevent back-up. If you live in a semi-detached or terraced property, check to see if there are any gaps in the party walls to the neighbour's lofts. Originally, there were often no party walls running along the boundary lines between houses, but that does present both a fire and security risk, security for obvious reasons, and fire because it greatly increases the risk of fire spread between the properties, in the event of a fire in the neighbouring property spreading to this property, and vice versa. Large holes like this should be bricked/blocked-up, any gaps should be filled tightly with glass fibre insulation, and if there are any holes too small to be filled tightly with insulation, these should be cement pointed, all to aid fire-stopping in order to prevent fire spread between the properties. Rainbow - brightened up my day! Three different types of damp proof course in an 1890 solid brick wall. The original bitumen DPC failed, so a chemical-injected DPC was installed, which didn't work, so a modern PVC DPC was installed, which is certainly helping, but nobody thought to simply lower the outside ground level to prevent rainwater splashing the brickwork above the DPC to minimise the risk of rising damp. Surveying is a bit like detective works sometimes, finding defects and then following the trail to diagnose the cause. Sometimes the defects are hard to find, but I think we can all agree that this wall is wet. Diagnosing the cause of this particular damp though, interestingly, was not straightforward! And finally, a beautiful wasp nest tucked into the eaves where the wasps and safe and warm with a simple entrance/exit via the roof eaves. Fortunately for me, at this cold time of year, its inhabitants were long gone. There might be a non-surveying musically-themed post to follow before Christmas but, in the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025. #surveyor #surveyors #surveying #hull #kingstonuponhull #eastyorkshire #northlincolnshire

      Right, who's up for a one-off, unique, never to be repeated evening of non-festive music to set you up for Christmas? Hull’s very own ‘The Ukulele One’ AKA ‘T.U.O.’ (formerly known as ‘Ukulele Bill’) is celebrating his approximately 500th gig by putting on a great night of entertainment – an eclectic mix of rock, folk, blues and classical – lots of guitar action, not to mention Bill’s ukulele (I hadn’t realised how many famous musicians as well as celebs are/were ukulele players?!). Most importantly, it’s taking place at Hull’s infamous The New Adelphi Club which over its 40-year history has hosted the likes of Oasis, The Stone Roses, Radiohead, Supergrass, Green Day, Travis, Pulp, Fat Boy Slim, Manic Street Preachers, The Shamen, Inspiral Carpets, Happy Mondays, and of course both The Housemartins and Beautiful South. Least importantly, Bill has invited me to pay homage to a late great musician by playing harmonica in a cover so, if nothing else, come to have a good laugh at me! - Thursday 19th December 2024 - The New Adelphi Club, Hull - 7.00pm - Tickets £4.99 on the door (or message me to put your ticket(s) aside) Hope to see you there… Oli the Lips (joke!)